Congratulations to my brother and his wife on the birth of their son, Alex Minh, born on Feb. 17th at 10:25PM, weighing 9lbs 6oz. Welcome to the family little guy! ❤ 👶
Zoom in to see.
This is the best matrix on the web, from a software developer's standpoint.
We got quite a bit of snow this week.
We were in isolation last week due to contracting Omicron. We were fortunate to get it only mildly. Stay safe out there.
We took a snowy drive to the Peace Bridge and back just to get out a bit. The region got dumped on earlier. I spent almost 3 hours clearing the driveway with a small electric blower and I didn't even finish. I will surely be sore tomorrow.
Froze my fingers off for this shot.
The colours of the sky prompted this photo.
A nice snow squall rolled in over Lake Erie today. We took advantage of it with a beach walk and tobogganing.
Nikki started a new venture recently where she shares valuable tips, resources and personal experiences about her creations. Give it a read here. Be sure to subscribe to her newsletter! 📰 👕 👖 ❤
It is crazy to think that this year is already over.
A total of three trees went down this week due to high winds.
Found this guy on Wilhelm Rd.
Most trees still have their leaves.
First dine-in sushi 🍣 date since before the pandemic.
Huawei P30 capture. Processed with Snapseed.
Awesome hike in Short Hills today.
It is tradition to bring back fridge magnets and/or keychains when you travel.
We haven't had a photo of just the two of us in a long time. I love this lady.
Fortunate to be travelling in these still uncertain times. Spending the next three days in Italy.