January 20, 2021
My favourite mug

Everyone has a favourite mug.

January 19, 2021
Foggy Cold Gnome

It is so bitter cold outside these days that the lens fogs right up when we come inside. This gnome/smurf figurine was part of some chocolate that was sent to us by a German colleague.

January 18, 2021
Rico Joseph Cat

Rico Cat purred calmly as he sat through his entire photoshoot. He turns 17 in July.

January 17, 2021
Rusty bucket

John and I went for a very cold walk to the beach today hoping to find treasure. Instead we found this here rusty bucket.

January 16, 2021
Beach Barriers

Last fall the city put up these barriers and stationed security guards at the entraces of our normally quiet beach, after it was overrun by out-of-towners looking for a place to escape boredom induced by the COVID-19 restrictions.

January 15, 2021
Then I Ate The Sign

At the end of my road, trees had begun eating signs.

January 14, 2021
Beach Haul

Nikki taking an overhead picture of today's beach haul.

January 13, 2021
The Back Shed

This is where I'll be, if you need me. Ontario declared its second provincial emergency to address the current COVID-19 crisis.

January 12, 2021
For good luck

Everyone could use some good luck sometimes.

January 11, 2021
Reed: All mangled

Another one from the backyard. I love the soft bokeh of this lens.

January 10, 2021
All about blur

I love getting the camera out each day and discovering new things around the house. Today John also taught me the meaning of blur.

January 9, 2021
Birdfeeder Sunrise

We have lots of birdfeeders hanging from the trees in our front yard. My favourite is this Squirrel Buster.

January 8, 2021
The Watch Box

Standard issue Stowa presentation box.

January 7, 2021
Home office webcam light

My dad gave me this old construction light when we bought our first house. With an LED bulb it serves as the perfect webcam light.

January 6, 2021
Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Sea Creatures


We got Animal Crossing: New Horizons for Christmas for the Nintendo Switch. For those who haven't played it -- don't... it's addictive. We've been playing it pretty much non-stop since then. 😄

BUT - if you do have it, and play it, and are addicted to it, you've probably figured out that swimming around and looking for sea creatures (where the bubbles are in the water) and selling them to the Nook brothers is an easy way to make some good money in the game.


Tonight I did a decent haul. Though I could've probably done better -- maybe next time.


Here's a table of the value of each of the 41 things you can find.

PS: I was just kidding. Get the game. 😃

Creature Name
Abalone Abalone 2000
Acorn Barnacle Acorn Barnacle 600
Chambered Nautilus Chambered Nautilus 1800
Dungeness Crab Dungeness Crab 1900
Firefly Squid Firefly Squid 1400
Flatworm Flatworm 700
Gazami Crab Gazami Crab 2200
Giant Isopod Giant Isopod 12000
Gigas Giant Clam Gigas Giant Clam 15000
Horseshoe Crab Horseshoe Crab 2500
Lobster Lobster 4500
Mantis Shrimp Mantis Shrimp 2500
Moon Jellyfish Moon Jellyfish 600
Mussel Mussel 1500
Octopus Octopus 1200
Oyster Oyster 1100
Pearl Pearl 10000
Pearl Oyster Pearl Oyster 2800
Red King Crab Red King Crab 8000
Scallop Scallop 1200
Sea Anemone Sea Anemone 500
Sea Cucumber Sea Cucumber 500
Sea Grapes Sea Grapes 900
Sea Pig Sea Pig 10000
Sea Pineapple Sea Pineapple 1500
Sea Slug Sea Slug 600
Sea Star Sea Star 500
Sea Urchin Sea Urchin 1700
Seaweed Seaweed 600
Slate Pencil Urchin Slate Pencil Urchin 2000
Snow Crab Snow Crab 6000
Spider Crab Spider Crab 12000
Spiny Lobster Spiny Lobster 5000
Spotted Garden Eel Spotted Garden Eel 1100
Sweet Shrimp Sweet Shrimp 1400
Tiger Prawn Tiger Prawn 3000
Turban Shell Turban Shell 1000
Umbrella Octopus Umbrella Octopus 6000
Vampire Squid Vampire Squid 10000
Venus' Flower Basket Venus' Flower Basket 5000
Whelk Whelk 1000

January 6, 2021
My work-from-home companion

Casey loves to hang out with me downstairs when I'm working from home.

January 5, 2021
The Larch (Winter)

Larches are needled conifers that look like evergreens in spring and summer, but in the fall the needles (which are super soft) turn colour and drop to the ground.

January 5, 2021
Recent Content on the homepage

Feature alert: New font-awesome icons on the top nav to match the new "Recent Content" section of the homepage.

With the addition of photos and scribbles it made sense to update the "Recent Entries" on the homepage, which only included writing, to "Recent Content" -- a mashup of photos, scribbles and writing. Here's how I did it.

First, in the database, a stored procedure to join the two tables with UNION. You'll notice I also baked the font-awesome icon names into this dataset; this will make things simpler in the end.

CREATE PROCEDURE `up_GetRecentContent`()
        (CASE WHEN Category = 1 THEN "photos" ELSE "scribbles" END) AS Category, 
	(CASE WHEN Category = 1 THEN "fas fa-camera-retro" ELSE "fas fa-pencil-alt" END) as Icon,
FROM tblPhotos_and_Scribbles
        "writing" AS Category, 
        "fas fa-pen-alt" as Icon, 
        PermaLink AS `Key` 
FROM vw_GetLog2Entries

Here's the current output of the above procedure:

Recent Content on the homepage, 1609851918, writing, fas fa-pen-alt, 2021/01/recent-content-on-the-homepage.html
Stowa, meet Alox, 1609804144, photos, fas fa-camera-retro, 8
Birthday sushi, 1609710404, photos, fas fa-camera-retro, 7
Stained glass window, 1609648239, photos, fas fa-camera-retro, 6
The old cherry tree, 1609539674, photos, fas fa-camera-retro, 5
Last day of the year, 1609468627, photos, fas fa-camera-retro, 4
New features: photos and scribbles, 1609390313, writing, fas fa-pen-alt, 2020/12/photos-and-scribbles.html
Neat & tidy comics, 1609387095, photos, fas fa-camera-retro, 3
Developing our wings, 1609380580, scribbles, fas fa-pencil-alt, 2
Christmas portrait 2020, 1608818400, photos, fas fa-camera-retro, 1

Then, in the Page class, a simple method to call the stored procedure:

public function get_recent_content()
	$rc = $this->sql->RunDBProcedure("up_GetRecentContent");
	return $rc;

Next, call the method from the index page and pass it to the templating engine:

// recent content
$rc = $page->get_recent_content();

And finally, a section loop in the Smarty template to output the links to the new content, including the inline icon handling:

<h4>Recent Content</h4>
{if $recent_array}
	{section name=sec1 loop=$recent_array}
	<a href="/{$recent_array[sec1]['Category']}/{$recent_array[sec1]['Key']}{if {$recent_array[sec1]['Category']} != 'writing'}/{/if}"><i class="{$recent_array[sec1]['Icon']}"></i> {$recent_array[sec1]['Title']}</a>
<p>No recent content.</p>

Nice and simple, which is how I like it at my age. (Hey, I can say that now that I'm 40! 😄)

January 4, 2021
Stowa, meet Alox

Another shot of the TO1 alongside the trusty Alox MiniChamp.

January 3, 2021
Birthday sushi

I tried to eat 40 pieces to match my age. Did not make it. 😃