January 14, 2023
Site has been updated

The first round of site updates are done. I didn't go with the infinite scroll, I got lazy and used the old tried-and-true Paginator I wrote well over a decade ago. It has been updated with baked-in bootstrap pagination classes. If you're interested, here's the code:

class Paginator

	public $current_page = 1;
	public $total_pages = 1;
	public $total_records = 0;
	public $display_total_only = 0;
	public $query_string = 0;
	public $singular_record_text = "";
	public $plural_record_text = "";
	private $inc = 1;			// inc = increment by N page - used in prev/next
	private $fp = 1;			// fp = first page
	public $threshold = 1;		// th = threshold (keep pages visible +/- from current)
	public $end_threshold = 1; // st = starter threshold - keep first page visible up to Nth page.

	public function __construct($thispage=1,$totalpages=1,$totalrecords=0,$singular_text="record",$plural_text="records",$query_string=0)
		$this->current_page = $thispage;
		$this->total_pages = $totalpages;
		$this->total_records = $totalrecords;
		$this->singular_record_text = $singular_text;
		$this->plural_record_text = $plural_text;
		$this->query_string = $query_string;

	public function getFirst()
		return $this->fp;

	public function getLast()
		return $this->total_pages;

	public function getPrev()
		if (($this->current_page - $this->inc) >= $this->fp)
			if ($this->current_page - $this->inc > $this->total_pages)
				return $this->total_pages;
			} else {
				return $this->current_page - $this->inc;
		} else {
			return $this->fp;

	public function getNext()
		if (($this->current_page + $this->inc) > $this->total_pages)
			return $this->total_pages;
		} else {
			return $this->current_page + $this->inc;

	public function getMin()
		if ($this->current_page <= $this->end_threshold)
			return $this->fp;
		} else {
			return $this->current_page - $this->threshold;

	public function getMax()

		if ($this->total_pages <= $this->end_threshold) {
			$max = $this->total_pages;
		} else {
			// if ($this->current_page < $this->end_threshold) { // commented out mb 090616
			//	$max = $this->end_threshold;
			//} else {
				if ($this->current_page > ($this->total_pages - $this->threshold)) {
					$max = $this->total_pages;
				} else {
					if ($this->total_pages - $this->current_page == $this->threshold+1)
						$max = $this->current_page + $this->threshold+1;
					} else {
						$max = $this->current_page + $this->threshold;
		//	}

		return $max;

	public function getNextBreak()
		return ($this->getMax() < $this->total_pages)?1:0;

	public function getPrevBreak()
		return ($this->getMin() > 1)?1:0;
	public function getPageLink($page)
		return "/".$this->query_string . "/page/" . $page;
		// return ($this->query_string?$this->query_string."&":"?")."page=" . $page;
	public function getHTML()
		$previouspage = $this->getPrev();
		$currentpage = $this->current_page;
		$nextpage = $this->getNext();
		$firstpage = $this->getFirst();
		$min = $this->getMin();
		$max = $this->getMax();
		$shownextbreak = $this->getNextBreak();
		$showprevbreak = $this->getPrevBreak();
		$html = '';
		$html .= "<div class=\"text-center\">\n";
		if ($this->display_total_only != 1)
			$html .= "<ul class=\"pagination justify-content-center\">\n";

			// first page link - mb 100723
			if ($this->current_page != $this->getFirst() && $min > $this->getFirst() && $this->threshold != 0)
				$html .= "<li class='page-item'><a class='page-link' href=\"" . $this->getPageLink($this->getFirst()) . "\">«</a></li>\n";

			if ($this->current_page != $this->getFirst())
				$html .= "<li class='page-item'><a class='page-link' href=\"" . $this->getPageLink($previouspage) . "\">‹</a></li>\n";

			for ($i=$min;$i<=$max;$i++)
				if ($this->current_page == $i)
					$html .= "<li class='page-item active'><a class='page-link' href=\"" . $this->getPageLink($currentpage) . "\">" . //"<span".($this->threshold==0?"":" class=\"This-page\"").">".
							($this->threshold==0?"Page ":"").$this->current_page.
							($this->threshold==0?" of ".$this->total_pages:"").
				} else {
					if ($this->threshold!=0) $html .= "<li class='page-item'><a class='page-link' href=\"" . $this->getPageLink($i) . "\">$i</a></li>\n";

			if ($this->current_page != $this->total_pages && $this->current_page < $this->total_pages)
				$html .= "<li class='page-item'><a class='page-link' href=\"" . $this->getPageLink($nextpage) . "\">›</a></li>\n";
			// last page link - mb 100723
			if ($this->current_page != $this->getLast() && $max < $this->getLast() && $this->threshold != 0)
				$html .= "<li class='page-item'><a class='page-link' href=\"" . $this->getPageLink($this->getLast()) . "\">»</a></li>\n";
			$html .= "</ul>\n";

		if ($this->total_records)
			$html .= "<div class='Results'>" . 
			number_format($this->total_records) . " " . 
			($this->total_records <> 1?$this->plural_record_text:$this->singular_record_text) . 
		$html .= "</div>\n";
		return $html;

} // end of class

Here's how it's used with a Smarty template:

	if ( $total_pages > 1) {
		$pagin = new Paginator($current_page,$total_pages);